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Daily Trials by dorintf

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  • Published: Aug 12th, 2023
Ever wondered what it's like to be a woman transformed into a pig-mutant whose job is to interview and assist other people who have been (or are being) transformed? Me either. But hopefully somebody will like it. And if you do, drop a comment. This is in my “Dorin-thinks-military-contracts-are-bad” universe (the one that started with Lateral Move), and is a sequel to the cleverly-named The Trial But With Pig TF. It probably isn’t necessary to read that one first, but it couldn’t hurt. If you
Comments: 3
Favorites: 10
Score: 70
Rated X
  • Published: Mar 18th, 2022
A powerful woman lawyer gets taken out of the race for the partnership when she's slowly transformed into a horny mare
Comments: 0
Favorites: 30
Score: 85