Favorites are just what they sound like: You're showing other users and the author/artist that you like that particular submission. In the future, we plan to add a feature that will allow the site to suggest submissions to you based on your favorites.
Bookmarks are a way for you to save a story that you want to read later. Other users won't be able to see your bookmarks, so this is entirely just a way for you to save a private list of stories for yourself.
There is no limit to the number of stories you can add to your favorites/bookmarks.
It's daily unique views, so a little bit of both. If a user reads a story three times in one day, it only counts as one view. But if he reads the story three times on three separate days, it counts as three views.
There is a 5 minute delay because those results are cached in order to reduce stress on our database. We'll reduce/remove this delay in the future once we've got enough data on average usage that we're confident the server can handle it.
You broke the rules. We only ban/mute users if there's an obvious violation. Please review our Content Policy.
Mutes are used to temporarily prevent users from commenting, posting in the forum, and submitting art/stories. They generally expire within 24 hours but the length can vary. We use this feature as a warning to users who are being abusive (ex: harrassing other users, starting flame wars in the forums, posting a high volume of incomplete submissions, etc).
Bans are permanent and only used in extreme violations. You deliberately were trying to be a dick, and now you're not our problem anymore.