A small-time space pirate finds herself in trouble when a mysterious alien creature stalks the halls of the abandoned frigate...
**Warning: this story has a *lot* of dicks and jizz and monstery mutant tfs. If that's not your speed, I don't recommend reading lol.**
After a strange encounter, a young man slowly falls ill with a strange sickness and slowly melts into a slimegirl. This draws in the eyes of a mysterious organization and his closest friend, eventually ending in two TF's and the catalyst for countless more..
Jack Tanner's plan to impress his ex-girlfriend is thrown off course when they're transported to the future, and he finds himself at the center of a diplomatic standoff as his humanity and masculinity are stripped away.
This is the pilot episode for my new Star-Trek inspired porn universe! I hope you all enjoy it. I'd love to hear any thoughts, questions, or suggestions, so please leave a comment!