A clarification about non-TF/porn submissions

Posted by docbyron on April 4th, 2023 at 00:00

I was doing housekeeping on some old submissions that violate our content policy and noticed there were more than a couple of reports and comment section flame wars that called the vagueness of Submission Rule 6 into question. I thought I'd take a moment to clarify it.

That rule (at the time of writing) is: "This is a transformation-themed site. We strongly recommend that stories should contain a physical transformation. We won't ban or mute users who post pure furry or other fetish material, but please be aware that it's strongly discouraged."

Like I mentioned above, this rule is pretty vaguely-worded, and that's intentional. I prefer to avoid rigid rules and would really rather let the community decide what belongs here by voting/tagging as needed, and only intervene myself when absolutely necessary.

I don't want to require that stories have to include a transformation because this community has so many adjacent interests that scratch the same itch, and I love how many sub-genres of perversion I've been exposed to as a result of that.

Likewise, I don't want to require that stories have to be NSFW or strictly fetish material because there are plenty of people in this community who like things on the tamer side, and I've read plenty of great stories here that didn't include anything remotely raunchy.

However, I want to be abundantly clear that I still expect submissions to be actual STORIES. Please don't post submissions that are brainstorming sessions asking for ideas, or ads for your Patreon, or announcements that you're open for commissions, or social-media-style status updates. If there's really some political rant you need to get off your chest, do it in the forums or your profile. Or fuck, if you really insist on making it a submission, at least write it into an actual story. Let your characters have their annoying debate and then turn into slugs or something. I dunno. Just don't be surprised when a ton of people start crying in the comments.


The https://docs-lab.com/forum/ai-stories/343 is spam.
It would be cool to have a dark mode for reading at night
It's great to see you active on the site again. I was worried something happened to you.
@thedreadfulduke at the bottom, the "Content Policy" link
Where on the site are the rules? I can't see the page since the site has has changed greatly over the years.
Good to hear. I don’t remember encountering many submissions that fell into that category but… it has happened, and the authors that submitted such work seemed oblivious they had committed any error, or more likely didn’t care.
I'm a new writer I have many scripts from my notes. most of what I post will be transformation focused and will contain at least one detail transformation scene. but only if I get feedback rather than the stock "good! more more!" more what? trying to grow as a storyteller here. also not trying to right smut I'm not that kind of writer.
I've only been a registered user on this site for half a year, but the Lab may have the best built-in word processor of any story site I've seen, and I'm frankly astounded authors don't make better use of it. If you ever do want to pivot toward a broader base, I'd be in full support: Literotica's moderation is garbage, DeviantArt's UI is garbage, AO3 is fanfic-only, and most of the other sites are either topic-specific or missing that -one- element that would make them the perfect catch-all.<br/><br/>"If there's really some political rant you need to get off your chest ... write it into an actual story." Doc get out of my study D: